ALP Landing Page for: Level 1 AM ESOL
Instructor: Anastasia Ekman
Email: anastasia@jpadulted.org
Meeting Times:
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 9:30 am -12:30 pm

Class Notes: Hello! Welcome to the ESOL Level 1 class for beginners
Course Syllabus:
Unit 1: Essential Questions: Welcome/Who Are We? Who are we as individuals? Who are we as a class? How can we learn more about one another and establish a productive learning environment?
Unit 2: Community: What is a community? Who is in our community? What is in our community?
Unit 3: Well-Being: What contributes to our well being? What do we need to feel safe, healthy, and cared for?
Unit 4: Food and Nutrition: What is nutrition? What types of foods are good for us? How can we access nutritious foods?
Unit 5: Civil and Women’s Rights: What are civil rights? How have women fought for rights? How do we advocate for ourselves?
Unit 6: Civics and Civic Engagement: What are civics? How does the government work? What is our role/what are our rights and responsibilities?
Unit 7: Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship: How can we use digital resources responsibly and enhance our lives?
Course Rubric:
Reading: read closely to construct and analyze meaning, make inferences, evaluate arguments and reasoning, and build knowledge from a variety of increasingly complex informational and literary texts.
Writing: produce clear and coherent writing to create increasingly complex texts for a variety of purposes.
Listening/Speaking: communicate in varied social, work, and academic contexts, listening closely to construct and analyze meaning, speaking clearly and coherently, and conversing effectively with diverse partners.